Erin Underwood and I have have our short story “Totentanz” in the new anthology DANSE MACABRE that is available TODAY. Yay!
Join us along with editor Nancy Kilpatrick and the other authors for a multi author Release Party, chat and contest hosted by a terrific book blog: Bitten by Books. The event post goes up at 12pm Central and runs into the evening. We will start answering questions around 12:00 pm Central Daylight Time. However, you should RSVP by making a comment on the Bitten by Books Announcement Page before noon to get some extra points toward winning the contest.
Join us as we talk about our new book Danse Macabre: Close Encounters with the Reaper
“People die from old age, illness, accident, violence, despair. They can die before they are born. The happy and the sad, the sane and insane, the rich and the poor, the law abiding and the criminal, the genius and the fool, the saint and the sinner. Some face death consciously, others die in their sleep. But we all die and Danse Macabre is a kind of universal melting pot for death. My goal is to create an anthology that is a literary version of the Danse Macabre artwork, showing the same range of humanity in a variety of situations and encounters with death.”
— Nancy Kilpatrick
Our publisher says this anthology is the most unusual and original collection of stories you’ll ever read! It is a literary version of Danse Macabre “Plague art”. Twenty-six literary reflections that embody those themed, classical artworks devoted to the spectrum of humanity’s intriguing interactions with the Angel of Death.
Danse Macabre includes works by:
Gabriel Boutros, Brad Carson, Suzanne Church, Dan Devine, Lorne Dixon, Tom Dullemond, Opal Edgar, Ian M. Emberson, Edward M. Erdelac, Sabrina Furminger, Stanley S. Hampton, Sr., Brian Hodge, Nancy Holder & Erin Underwood, J. Y. T. Kennedy, Nancy Kilpatrick, Tanith Lee, Brian Lumley, William Meikle, Lisa Morton, Tom Piccirilli, Morgan Dempsey, Timothy Reynolds, Angela Roberts, Lawrence Salani, Lucy Taylor, Bev Vincent, Bill Zaget.
Prize: $50.00 Electronic Amazon Gift Card