This page is only a representative selection of Nancy Holder's work. For a more complete list, please visit Amazon and/or Fantastic Fiction.
Book Series
Comics, Graphic Novels & Pulp Fiction
by Nancy Holder and Alan Philipson
Comics, Graphic Novels & Pulp Fiction
by Nancy Holder
Sherlock Holmes
Short Fiction

Pandora's Closet, 2007
"The Other Side"
Dear Bully , 2011
"Ramping Up for a Decade with Joss Whedon"
Whedonistas! A Celebration of the Worlds of Joss Whedon by the Women Who Love Them , 2011
"Learning on the Job"
Tied In: The Business, History, and Craft of Media Tie-In Writing , 2010
"The Bag of Holding #12"
The Bulletin (SFWA), 2010
"Writing Tie-Ins"
The Cult TV Book , 2010
"The Bag of Holding #11"
The Bulletin (SFWA), 2010
"The Bag of Holding #10"
The Bulletin (SFWA), 2010
"The Bag of Holding #9"
The Bulletin (SFWA), 2009
"The Bag of Holding #8"
The Bulletin (SFWA), 2009
"The Bag of Holding #7"
The Bulletin (SFWA), 2009
"The Bag of Holding #6"
The Bulletin (SFWA), 2009
"The Bag of Holding #5"
The Bulletin (SFWA), 2009
"The Bag of Holding #4"
The Bulletin (SFWA), 2009
"The Bag of Holding #3"
The Bulletin (SFWA), 2008
"The Bag of Holding #2"
The Bulletin (SFWA), 2008
"The Bag of Holding #1"
The Bulletin (SFWA), 2008
"I Want Your Sex"
Finding Serenity: Anti-heroes, Lost Shepherds And Space Hookers In Joss Whedon's Firefly , 2005
"Death Becomes Him: Blondie Bear 5.0"
Five Seasons Of Angel: Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Discuss Their Favorite Vampire , 2004
"Slayers of the Last Arc"
Seven Seasons of Buffy: Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Discuss Their Favorite Television Show , 2003