How Fan Fiction Can Lead to Being a Professional, Thursday, 7/24/14
A panel about how fan fiction can lead to professional jobs in several fields as a professional including but not exclusive to writing books, acting, and screenwriting. For the panel we have:
Katherine Fugate, Producer/Writer of Army Wives; she wrote such hit films as Valentine’s Day and New Year’s Eve. She also wrote a very popular episode of Xena, Warrior Princess called “When Fates Collide.” Katherine is also the Director of WGAw.
Melissa Good, a fan fiction writer and novelist who has written for Xena, Warrior Princess called
Nancy Holder, New York Times bestselling author who has written tie-in material for Buffy, Teen Wolf, Hellboy, Beauty and the Beast, and others. Her fan fiction street cred includes Robin of Sherwood.
Dru Pagliassotti, a professor at a California university; she teaches a class about the effect of fandom on the masses.
Nancy Cornell-Healy, comedian, novelist and playwright who has written several fan fiction pieces including “Salvation” and has two novels out called Intersection and Betrayal as well as her new play Spin.
Justin Robinson, a very popular, multi-talented novelist whose latest novel is Get Blank.
Sherri Rabinowitz, author of fan fiction and novels including The Time Flies Series and The Ghost Series, as well as two novels: Murder Inc and Fantasy Time Inc. She also a wrote a play called A Heavenly Hand, and is the producer and creator of Sherri’s Playhouse and Producer/Host of Chatting With Sherri.