Reviews: Praise for Vanquished
Girl in the Woods – 5 Stars
“I love it ALL. I was hooked on the book, it’s fluid changes and the characters! Jenn was my favourite. She was a fighter and a solid gold heart even with the shadows lurking inside of her. Now to add to my all-time favourites.” ~Chloe
The Reading Teen – 5 Stars
“I seriously love this series! There are only a handful of books out there that can cause this much anxiety and emotion in me, but this is definitely one of them…It’s a fantastic ending to a phenomenal series. If you haven’t, you should check it out! If you love non-stop action, deep plot lines, and being completely sucked into a story, I think you will love this series!” ~Andye
Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers
“A thrilling end to what has turned out to be a fabulous series. You’ve got action, romance, danger, magic, and all the quiet moments that filter in-between coupled with a cast that you won’t soon forget and a story that will keep you hanging on its every breath.” ~Gina
Paranormal Point of View
“It was an epic ending to an epic series. Nancy and Debbie did a great job switching from one interesting character to another and built up to an ending that deserved the mounting tension in the series. They didn’t shy away from difficult subject matter either where it was necessary. Awesome!” ~Lisa