Sherlock Holmes of Baking Street IS NOT A COOKBOOK. SHoBS means: Poisoned flour! Kitchen fires on two continents! An interview with the screenwriter of Mr. Holmes. This is a book like no other and I am the co-editor of it! We have 37 short stories, essays, and articles from writers in India, Switzerland, Sweden, Italy, the UK, Canada, Australia, and the US—all Sherlock Holmes fans and ripping good writers!
I am a Sherlock Holmes superfan. I’m a Baker Street Irregular (my “canonical name” is Beryl Garcia, a Costa Rican Victorian beauty in The Hound of the Baskervilles) and I’m active in many societies/clubs dedicated to studying Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Through this obsession, I met my fellow Sherlockian Margie Deck. Turns out we are also avid bakers and fans of The Great British Baking Show. Margie riffed off the baking mania that overtook us during the pandemic, and the fact that our man Sherlock lives on (in) Baker Street, and she came up with the idea for this book.
We took our idea to Derrick Belanger and he agreed to publish this NOT A COOKBOOK as a charity project to benefit The Beacon Society. The Beacon Society is an education outreach organization dedicated to introducing folks to the wonderful world of our man Sherlock Holmes. Thank you, Derrick!
We are absolutely delighted with the results of the many talents who contributed to this project, including artist J. Scherpenhuizen, who created our cover and two interior illustrations, and Leslie Klinger, who wrote a foreword. We have juicy blurbs from esteemed Sherlockians as well. You can squint at them here, or better yet, go to our Kickstarter page!