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The Sea God

published in Dracula Unfanged
Publication Date: November 2022

Christopher Sequeira, who devised the multiversal Baker Street collection Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Was Not invites you to another dazzling exhibition of reality-flipping tales about a literary icon, with contributions to this house of nightmares by some of the best in the field. Enter freely, and of your own will? Tales by: Leverett Butts & Dacre Stoker, Ramsey Campbell, Julie Ditrich, Ron Fortier, Christopher Fowler, Jason Franks, Nancy Holder, Jim Krueger, Brad Mengel, Lee Murray, Will Murray, Alan Philipson ,Andrew Salmon, J. Scherpenhuizen, Christopher Sequeira, Jacqueline Sequeira, Philip Cornell, I. A. Watson. Introduction by Leslie S. Klinger, Interior Illustrations by Vicky Adams, Cover by Dave Elsey.

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