Update: On Fire Review, Giveaways and Interviews

A new review for ON FIRE came in from YA Books Central, which definitely made me smile. Here’s an excerpt:

“My favorite character has to be Stiles. On the show I think he’s adorable but this novel shows us there’s even more to love. For example, he has ADHD. My own son has ADHD and still deals with negative labels. Holder though breaks the stereotypes and shows us a character that doesn’t let ADHD hold him down. Stiles’ is smart, resourceful, and loyal. Totally love him!” Read the rest of the review from YA Books Central.


I  got a kick out of TV.com’s recap of the Season Two opener of TEEN WOLF. If you haven’t read it, here’s the link.



Be sure to check out our new guest post on Dark Faerie Tales for their new series: 50 Shades of YA Boys. You can learn a bit more about Antonio from the CRUSADE SERIES and enter to win a copy of ON FIRE.



I also got a chance to interview and get interviewed by my lovely daughter Belle about Steampunk for the awesome blog STEAMED! while we were at the Maker Faire. We hope you enjoy it!