This page is only a representative selection of Nancy Holder's work. For a more complete list, please visit Amazon and/or Fantastic Fiction.



Wonder Woman: The Official Movie Novelization
Ghostbusters: Official Movie Novelization
Crimson Peak
The Rose Bride
Pretty Little Devils
Pearl Harbor, 1941
Dead in the Water
Making Love
The Ghosts of Tivoli
No cover available Rough Cut
No cover available Jessie’s Song


Comics, Graphic Novels & Pulp Fiction
by Nancy Holder and Alan Philipson

Johnny Fade #1
Johnny Fade #2
No cover available They Call Me Midnight


Comics, Graphic Novels & Pulp Fiction
by Nancy Holder

Mary Shelley Presents Issue #1
Mary Shelley Presents Issue #2
Mary Shelley Presents Issue #3
Mary Shelley Presents: Tales of the Supernatural
Sex as a Weapon: The Domino Lady
Zorro in the Valley of the Shadow


Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes of Baking Street


Short Fiction

"The Sea God"
Dracula Unfanged, 2022
"Clockwork Airlock"
Futuredaze: An Anthology of YA Science Fiction, 2013
"Crash Cart"
Deep Cuts, 2013
"Freeze out"
The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories by Women, 2013
"Into the Storm"
Strange Spirits, 2012
Danse Macabre: Close Encounters With the Reaper, 2012
"Into the Fire"
Undead for a Day, 2012
An Apple for the Creature, 2012
VWARS, 2012
"The Only Way to Fly"
Witches: Wicked, Wild & Wonderful, 2012
Rage Against the Night, 2011
"By the Book"
Halloween, 2011
"Beneath the Cape: A Domino Lady Story"
Chicks in Capes, 2011
"Beyond the Pale"
Chicks Kick Butt, 2011
"Zombie Zero"
Zombiesque, 2011
"Letters to Romeo"
Eternal, 2010
"By the Book"
More Stories from the Twilight Zone, 2010
"Blood Gothic"
Vampires in Love, 2010
"Our Lady of the Vampires"
A Girl's Guide to Guns and Monsters, 2010
"Blood Gothic"
The Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance 2: Love Bites, 2009
"Blood Gothic"
By Blood We Live, 2009
The Eternal Kiss: 13 Vampire Tales of Blood and Desire, 2009
"Vampire Unchained"
The Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance , 2009
"Passion Play"
The Living Dead, 2008
Immortal: Love Stories With Bite, 2008
"Zorro in the Valley of the Shadow"
Tales of Zorro, 2008
"Another Exciting Adventure of Lightning Merriemouse-Jones: A Touching Ghost Story"
Pandora's Closet, 2007
"The Further Adventures of Lightning Merriemouse-Jones"
Furry Fantastic, 2006
"The Winter of Our Discontent"
Children of Magic, 2006
"Skeleton Krewe"
Mardi Gras Madness: Tales of Terror And Mayhem in New Orleans, 2000
"Little Dedo"
In the Shadow of the Gargoyle, 1999
"To Pine With Fear and Sorrow"
Dancing with the Dark, 1999
"Hell Is for Children"
Dante's Disciples, 1998
Gothic Ghosts, 1997
"Blood Freak"
The Mammoth Book of Dracula: Vampire Tales for the New Millennium, 1997
"Have You Seen Me?"
100 Tiny Tales of Terror, 1996
"Leaders of the Pack"
Dark Destiny, 1995
100 Wicked Little Witch Stories, 1995
"Divine Right"
The Book of Kings, 1995
"Prayer of the Knight of the Sword"
Excalibur, 1995
Vampire Detectives, 1995
"Blood Gothic"
100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories, 1995
"As Green as Hope Itself"
Dark Voices 6, 1994
"Crash Cart"
The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Seventh Annual Collection, 1994
"O Love, Thy Kiss"
In the Fog, 1993
"In Search of Anton La Vey"
The Ultimate Witch, 1993
Confederacy of the Dead, 1993
"Blood Gothic"
The Mammoth Book of Vampires, 1992
"Blood Gothic"
Shadows 8, 1985



"The Other Side" Dear Bully , 2011
"Ramping Up for a Decade with Joss Whedon" Whedonistas! A Celebration of the Worlds of Joss Whedon by the Women Who Love Them , 2011
"Learning on the Job" Tied In: The Business, History, and Craft of Media Tie-In Writing , 2010
"The Bag of Holding #12" The Bulletin (SFWA), 2010
"Writing Tie-Ins" The Cult TV Book , 2010
"The Bag of Holding #11" The Bulletin (SFWA), 2010
"The Bag of Holding #10" The Bulletin (SFWA), 2010
"The Bag of Holding #9" The Bulletin (SFWA), 2009
"The Bag of Holding #8" The Bulletin (SFWA), 2009
"The Bag of Holding #7" The Bulletin (SFWA), 2009
"The Bag of Holding #6" The Bulletin (SFWA), 2009
"The Bag of Holding #5" The Bulletin (SFWA), 2009
"The Bag of Holding #4" The Bulletin (SFWA), 2009
"The Bag of Holding #3" The Bulletin (SFWA), 2008
"The Bag of Holding #2" The Bulletin (SFWA), 2008
"The Bag of Holding #1" The Bulletin (SFWA), 2008
"I Want Your Sex" Finding Serenity: Anti-heroes, Lost Shepherds And Space Hookers In Joss Whedon's Firefly , 2005
"Death Becomes Him: Blondie Bear 5.0" Five Seasons Of Angel: Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Discuss Their Favorite Vampire , 2004
"Slayers of the Last Arc" Seven Seasons of Buffy: Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Discuss Their Favorite Television Show , 2003


Other Books

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Encyclopedia: The Ultimate Guide to the Buffyverse
Demons of the Hellmouth
The Watcher’s Guide Volume 2
The Angel Casefiles
The Watcher’s Guide Volume 1